
Caring for Your FRIGG Pacifier: A Guide to Hygiene and Safety

At lunababy, we understand the importance of maintaining the highest standard of cleanliness and safety for our little ones. Ensuring your FRIGG pacifier stays in top-notch condition is an essential part of this journey. Below you will find a step-by-step guide on how to keep your pacifier in perfect hygiene:

  1. Begin by placing the pacifier in a clean bowl, ready for its spa day!
  1. Gently pour boiling water over the pacifier, letting it bathe for approximately 5 minutes.
  1. Lift the pacifier, allowing it to air dry naturally.
  1. Once cooled down, gently squeeze out any excess water

Remember, our pacifiers are precious and not meant for boiling! Stay clear of UV sterilizers, washing machines, and any harsh chemicals.

“How often should I clean my baby’s pacifier?”

For our youngest family members, hygiene is especially crucial. Babies under 3 months, including premature infants, need a little extra attention, as their immune systems are still growing, and do not have any tolerance towards bacteria and viruses. 

For this reason, for babies between 0-3 months old, pacifier should be put into boiling water every time it touches the floor and the abovementioned procedure should be followed at least once per day. 

For babies older than 3 months, rinsing a pacifier with boiling water once a day should do the trick. If the pacifier has been dropped to the floor, rinse with cold water instead. 

Important note!

Our pacifiers come with a special valve designed to release air when your baby uses it. This valve also allows water to find its way in during cleaning. After sterilizing, be sure to gently squeeze out excess water once the pacifier has cooled down. While you might not get every drop, a little condensation is harmless.